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Leash Reactivity
Training Program

For dogs that lunge, growl, bark, and pull towards a stimulous

Leash Reactivity Training Program

About the program:

Leash reactivity is when your dog overreacts to a stimulus while they are on a leash. Dogs can be “reactive” towards any kind of trigger they have a negative association with, such as other dogs, cars, or people. The reactivity could look like lunging, barking, or growling. In some dogs, they may show a fearful response or try to run away from the thing that upsets them.


Effective leash reactivity training requires patience and diligence. It involves dogs lunging, barking, or otherwise responding explosively to passing people, animals, or stimuli while restrained on walks.


The goal of leash reactivity training is to keep the dog below their threshold of frustration, so they can see the thing causing the reactivity, without getting upset. 




  • Review Basic Obedience: Sit, down, stay, come, leave it, drop it

  • Teach: Relaxation, impulse control, and confidence skills

  • Loose Leash Walking: Dog stays near you, leash manners, no pulling

  • Managing Leash Reactivity:  To people, dogs, and other moving objects

  • Socialization: Field trips to Home Depot, Bridge Street, or Big Spring Park




  • Leash training drills: stop and back up, u-turns, and figure eights. 

  • Operant conditioning, classical conditioning, free shaping, targeting, and more. This will solely depend on the dog's ability to learn and your ability to practice daily. 

  • Using the “watch me” command for check-ins with distractions.


This is a sample itinerary. Dogs move at their own pace, so we cannot guarantee that your dog will receive all the training listed here within the specified number of sessions​​​


The Training Process:


  • 2 In-home Obedience, relaxation,  and Leash Training Sessions.

  • 6 Field Trip Reactivity and Socialization Sessions.

  • FREE copy of “Leash Training Your Puppy” ($10 value)

  • FREE online Leash Training Course - ($99 value)

  • Access to my private Facebook Group

  • Certificate of Completion




Please contact us for a FREE 15-minute phone consultation so that we can learn more about your dog and provide a rate quote for reaching your training goals. 



Who this program is for:

Owners who want their dog or puppy to stop barking, growling, lunging, or pulling at stimuli.

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