Providing good care for your dog is more than just going through the motions of daily tasks. It's a deep understanding of your dog's needs and what they need to know to be a good canine citizen. Here are 7 tips to help you become a superior dog owner, so your dog will be healthy, happy, and welcome anywhere.
1 - Know Your Dog's Behavior
Every dog is totally unique, so it makes sense to get to know your dog's moods and behaviors in order to provide the best care and most supportive environment for them. This measure can also alert you to any health issues your dog may have. If they become more lethargic than usual, or uninterested in what's going on around them, it could mean an illness that needs a visit to the veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment. An increase in weight could indicate the need for a lower-calorie diet or fewer treats. Poor mobility may reveal the need for more exercise or a different type of exercise routine.
2 - Be Aware of Other Peoples' Reactions to Your Dog
Not everyone likes dogs or even knows how to act around dogs. Some people may have had a bad experience with a dog in the past. Others don't have any experience with the canine species at all. When in public, always keep your dog on a leash and under control, so you can prevent uncomfortable encounters with people who may not appreciate your pup's friendly, exuberant nature. Never assume your dog will obey you off-leash because canine enthusiasm can often get the better of them.
3 - Keep Up To Date on Immunizations
Immunization is the single easiest way to protect your dog from a number of contagious diseases that can make them sick or even threaten their lives. In addition, keeping up to date on vaccinations will help to prevent expensive veterinary bills that can make a serious dent in your budget. There is really no downside to immunizations for your dog, and the benefits are many.
4 - Keep Your Dog Well Groomed For Better Health
Giving your dog a daily brushing or combing, or a regular bath, isn't just an aesthetic activity. Staying clean and well groomed can also help your dog maintain healthy skin. A good grooming session can also alert you to any rashes or parasites that might be making a home on your pet, so you can take measures to resolve the problem immediately. Attention to nail trimming can prevent damage to nails and paws that can be painful and expensive to treat. Ear cleaning helps to prevent chronic ear infections. Anal gland treatment prevents smelly discharges that can make your dog and your home unpleasant.
5 - Provide Stimulating Toys and Experiences For Your Dog
Dogs benefit both physically and mentally from being exposed to new experiences and new toys that offer activity and interest for them. Take your dog for a walk on the beach or a jaunt through a downtown area. Expose them to new sights, sounds, and smells. Choose puzzle toys that allow the animal to solve problems and form new brain connections. These actions will help to keep your dog younger in body and mind. Of course, it's never a good idea to force your dog to do anything they are not comfortable with, but you can offer support and encouragement to give new things a try. If the animal isn't inclined to enjoy it, it's okay to abandon the attempt and perhaps try another time when your dog feels more accepting of it.
6 - Always Keep Safety in Mind For Your Dog
Conscientious dog owners understand that dogs can sometimes get into mischief, so maintaining a safe environment should be part of the everyday care of your pet. Storing foods that are poisonous to dogs, such as grapes, raisins, onions, and the sweetener xylitol, should be among the first actions you take. Keep all medications off tables and countertops and store them inside cabinets. Hide electrical cords under the rug or behind furniture, particularly if you have a young puppy that is prone to chewing. Ensure your garbage container has a secure top to prevent your dog from sampling items that could cause digestive upsets. Place all toxic chemicals in cabinets or on high shelves to avoid accidental ingestion of the substances. Approach other dogs with caution, keeping your pet on a leash in case the encounter does not go as planned.
7 - Bring Your Dog To the Vet For Regular Checkups
Veterinary bills can be expensive, but skimping on vet care only leads to more serious health problems and greater expense. Regular checkups at the vet are the best way to manage small problems before they become larger health issues. During these visits, the vet can do blood testing to ensure internal organs are functioning well, check if a normal weight is being maintained, and detect any parasites that can make your dog sick. A clear bill of health will allow your dog to stay healthy and happy at every age.
Being a superior dog owner your dog means investing the time and attention they need to have a good quality of life. If you incorporate these 7 tips into your dog care routine, you will find it easier to ensure your dog has everything they need to thrive.
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This article was written by J. Lang Wood for Top Gun Dog Training.