Is there even such a thing as a perfect dog walk? Yes, there certainly is, but unfortunately, most dog owners will never experience it without the correct guidance from a dog-walking expert. In 2008, I learned from a dog trainer in Alabama how to walk my dog correctly on my own, and I've been teaching it to others ever since.
When I say a perfect walk, I am referring to walking your dog on a "loose leash," meaning that the dog is not pulling on the leash or reacting to any stimulus while on the walk. The leash must remain mostly loose, except for a brief communication from the handler to provide guidance. My dog training and puppy training programs teach the loose leash walking technique.
In the 12 years I have been training and walking dogs, I have never seen another dog walk as well on a leash as my own. This not only comes from observing thousands of dogs being walked, it also includes hundreds of dog training consultations.
Nothing is more frustrating to a dog owner than to take their dog out in public and cause a scene.
The shortlist of undesirable dog walking issues are:
Dog pulling leash (pulling the owner down the road).
Dog reacting to other dogs, cars, people, etc.
Dog picking up things with mouth.
Dog focusing on everything besides the walk.
BONUS TIP: If you're having difficulty pulling your dog on the leash, try an Easy Walk Harness that clips in the front or a Gentle Leader front clip head collar. Rear clip harnesses make the dog pull more.
I have written a new book called Leash Training Your Puppy. This book goes way beyond the basics and gets into advanced leash-walking techniques to ensure that your dog will never do any of the items listed above.
Leash Training requires a serious commitment and follow-through from the owners after completing the training. However, there is a massive payoff of being able to walk your dog with good leash manners finally and easily.
Request a FREE Phone Consultation for dog training in Huntsville, AL.
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